2025 Annual Meeting

2025 Annual Meeting Notice & Board of Directors Nominations

In preparation for the San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union Annual Meeting, scheduled for April 22, 2025, all members of San Antonio Citizens Federal Credit Union are hereby notified that there are three (3) Board seats up for election at this year’s annual membership meeting. You are further notified that the Nominating Committee has submitted the following names to me for nomination to a three-year term on the Credit Union’s Board of Directors:

Tony Coleman                         John Grant                  Patty Sarne

Mr. Coleman is a graduate of Florida Southern College.  He is the owner and CEO of AaSys, Inc., an IT systems security company serving financial institutions. He is an incumbent member of the San Antonio Citizens FCU Board of Directors.

Mr. Grant is a graduate of the University of Central Florida. He is the Agency Manager for the Florida Farm Bureau located in Dade City and Lutz, Florida.  He is an incumbent member of the San Antonio Citizens FCU Board of Directors.

Ms. Patty Sarne is a graduate of the University of Maryland.  She is an incumbent member of the San Antonio Citizens FCU Board of Directors and currently serves as President & CEO of the credit union.

The nominating committee has also submitted their nomination of Zane Gilmore to serve the remainder of the director term of Raymond Sturwold, who passed away in 2024.

Election for these seats will be at our Annual Membership Meeting on April 22, 2025, to be held in the Credit Union’s Operations Center office located at 12512 Curley Street, San Antonio, Florida, at 5:30 p.m.  You are hereby notified that nominations can also be made by petition signed by no less than 1% of the members (186).  Petition forms can be picked up from Patty Sarne at the Main Office of the Credit Union at 12542 Curley Road, San Antonio, Florida, during normal business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday.  Completed petition forms must be submitted to said Credit Union Main Office no later than March 14, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.  Said petitions must be accompanied by a statement of qualifications, biographical data, and a signed certificate from the nominee stating that they are agreeable to nomination and will serve if elected.

Election to these positions will not be conducted by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor when there is only one nominee for each position to be filled.

Patricia Sarne

2025 Annual Meeting Agenda – will be posted prior to the meeting.

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

2023 Annual Report